Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Up and Running Again

Mr. Potts generously loaned me the new computer that was intended for his business until mine is fixed. Is that a great guy or what! Now if I can just get caught up on sleep, I have so many things to write about.

We have had such an active month, traveling and visiting old friends and making new ones here back home. CHANGE would have to be the theme of our lives at this point. Change is sometimes very hard, and harder for some than others. I happen to be one that enjoys change most of the time. In fact, last year for my birthday Mr. Potts bought me a cool picture of a tree that changes seasons when you look at it from different angles. The word 'change' is printed in large letters beneath the picture. Little did I know how much change this past year would bring.

The biggest change is changing churches. We have been members of a very small fellowship for almost eleven years. It has been a great place to raise young children. I am thankful for the shelter it afforded while my children grew strong in the Lord. For the past year or so I have been praying for a way to get my children in a position where they could have more of an effect for God's kingdom. I really feel they have a lot to offer their generation and I hated to see this opportune time waste away. Well, God has made it very clear to us that we needed to move on. We all have been very excited about a fairly large church we have been visiting. It's an hour away but the time commuting has been a good time to listen to music and prepare our hearts for worship and to talk together about what we have heard and seen. It also gives us a chance to do our shopping in the big city while we are there. There are many opportunities to get involved in this new church and I'm sure it will be an interesting year.

1 comment:

tootlepip said...

Glad your back! We changed churches at the beginning of the year. It has been a challenge but is working out pretty well. We also went from a small fellowship to a larger fellowship and are commuting about 40 minutes after commuting about 5. Adjustments. May things work out well for your family!