Thursday, October 19, 2006

Excuse Me While I Show Off My Daughter's Talent

PearlKeeper drew this picture of Adventure Queen from the photograph (below) when she was 4 months old. She is currently working on building up her portfolio and I was so thrilled to see this recent addition that I just had to post it! When she brought me the drawing I knew instantly that it was my first baby, who is now almost 19, and my heart went, "Awww!"


tootlepip said...

Your daughter has done a beautiful job. I have two sons who seem to me to have much talent in this area also. How did you help your daughters develop their talent? Did they take classes or study on their own?

Lisa said...

I think a lot of things have contributed. She has had some private lessons from a friend, who made use of Barry Stebbing's materials, and some watercolor lessons at our local art council. She has always loved to draw and we have always bought any drawing books they wanted along with nice colored pencils and art supplies. Illustrating the 3 books in the Grandmother's Hope Chest series gave her a lot of incentive to press forward too.