Cindy at Dominion Family wrote a
short post about Courtship which I've been watching. So far, there are only four comments. I'm watching because I've been hoping for a substantial discussion. I'd love to hear ideas and thoughts from those who are interested in promoting happy, successful and holy marriages.
I've mourned the fact that the Bible does not lay out the how-to's in this area. I've thought of different examples of marriages in the Bible and I just can't find a pattern.
There's Abraham who sends for a wife for his son via way of his servant, back to his own land and Rebecca who goes with him to accept a groom sight unseen. How would that fly in our modern age? Abraham would be considered a controlling and intrusive father and Rebecca a silly girl who acted very unwisely.
What about Ruth? Her mother-in-law tells her what to do to obtain her husband. Does Ruth just sit and wait and trust God to bring the right man knocking at the door? No, she is the one who instigates things. Imagine your daughter spending the night lying at the feet of an older man and then secretly sneaking out before morning light. Imagine how that would be viewed in the homeschooling/courtship circles!
Then there's Abigail who went against her husband's wishes, called him a worthless fool, and saw the Lord take his life. Then she immediately becomes one of David's many wives (we won't touch that one). This flies in the face of almost all Christian teaching on marriage.
There are others but I already know this post is going to be a long one.
In our day when the divorce rate, even among believers, is astronomical, I can't help but question the issue of my children's marriages. I've whined and complained that I don't have many to go to for advice and helpful hints. I've read just about every book on the topic. I know many things that I do not want but then there's this whole vague area where there is so much I'm not sure about.
I have one daughter who is planning to marry in February. She is marrying a young man from a family we have been good friends with and been in church with for ten years. They kept their feelings from each other for two years and prayed about it separately. When it all came to the light, they were betrothed and they will have waited 3 1/2 years by the time they marry. This has not been easy but it is working. They have spent most of their time with us (and all of their time chaperoned) and have submitted to every restraint. We have flown by the seat of our pants, sometimes backing up and starting again. Our confusion and lack of surety about how to do all this has been hard on everyone.
Even after going through all of this, how much advice could I really offer to anyone? How many circumstances would be similar enough to mine for our situation to be applicable?? How much of what we have done has not been the best but God has had grace on us anyway??
I have another daughter who longs to find the right husband and have children of her own and frankly, I think she's ready and I think she'll make a great wife and mother. How to guide her along is the question. Just tell her to sit and wait patiently?? Get out there and be more proactive?? Should we "interfere" more or less or not at all?? Are there any black and white answers??
We do know some things. We don't want to have our children become emotionally or physically involved with a person who will not be their spouse. If at all possible, we want to protect both sides from experiencing the devastation of giving yourself and then having to withdraw or from just giving of themselves too soon. We want to handle the suitors that do come along with love and respect and we hope that even if they are not the right one, that we will have made new friends (or kept old ones). We want the process to be fun and not awkward. (Is that possible?) We want our children to be content in the meantime, casting all of their cares on Him. We want them to enjoy life right now and not sit around, do nothing, and only dream about their future.
I know there is at least one answer that will not fail. Pray. Trust in God's grace. Lift these situations up to the throne room and look to Him who sees it all. I keep being reminded that His grace is enough. That is the one answer I know I am safe to count on.