Monday, August 14, 2006

Traveling, Traveling, Traveling

I am getting ready for a three week road trip. We actually have a somewhat complex itinerary. In the process of this trip we will visit almost every out-of-town friend and most of our family memebers by visiting four different locations. We have so many fun things planned and we are all very excited. The girls are going with me on the first leg of the journey, swapping out for the boys on the second part, and reuniting all together for the last part. Here's a list of our plans!
Picking up our daughter whose been staying with friends for over a month and having a girls night at a hotel enjoying the pool and jacuzzi, followed by a day shopping
Visiting our very dear friends in Missouri
Going to a wedding of the oldest daughter of some old friends
Staying overnight with another dear friend and visiting her church
A fun night at a meeting point with Mr. Potts while we swap children
Some of the girls coming home for a few days to dance in a Jana Long (of Avalon) concert
Spending a few days with some friends in Alabama
Meeting up with the rest of our family at my brother-in-law's house and seeing Grandmom too
A week at a resort at the beach
We will probably have lots of pictures to follow!

1 comment:

tootlepip said...

I hope your trip is Wonderful and refreshing.