Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Countdown

We are in the countdown phase of Priscilla leaving for college. Five days. On Friday we'll be taking her down and getting her settled in her new room.

This morning we stayed home from church to get things packed up. We've been so busy the last week and we have something planned for every night next week, so this morning was our only chance to get some things done. My hope is that if we tackle all of this today, she will have a nice relaxing week ahead.

It's been funny to note this week, that while she is on the verge of being more independent than ever, she has been continually asking me about what she should do about this or that. "Should I come to the get-together this Saturday night or stay home and finish my essay? What if I take my laptop and finish it there and then hang out with everyone afterwards?"

She was getting overwhelmed last week with everything that had to be done, so I offered her a plan and she gratefully accepted it, relieved to not have to think about those details. She jokes, "Mom, can I take you with me to college?" No, dear. But somehow I will find a way to be there whenever you need me.

I really am so excited for her. At the same time, I've been trying not to face the reality that looms ahead until I absolutely have to. Last night, while talking to some friends about the little details of getting her ready, one knowing mom looked me in the eye and said, "You'll be all right." Oh, yes, of course. But then why am I suddenly choking down the tears? One week, she promises. It'll only take a week to adjust. Hmmm. Dare I believe it?

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Have a good time!

And i'll be prayin 4 u 2 Lisa!