Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Bad News/Good News

The bad news is when ten people live in the same house, the flu can hang around for quite a while. First one or two people, then days later another one succumbs. Even after a week, it can still be found making the rounds. Currently we stand at four down, possibly two more flirting with it, and four to go.
The good news is by the time we get through with it all, SPRING should be close at hand. Then it'll be time for blooming flowers, picnics, baseball games and reading on the front porch! Yippee!


Anonymous said...

I hear ya! We've had more down time this winter than ever. I had something awful that hung around for nearly two weeks, we had one week free, and now the kids have been sharing it for a week. Unfortunately, I'm not sure it's the same thing I already had, so I'm really prepping my immune system with herbs, fresh air and sunshine (when we can get it) just in case. I was thinking the same thing, by the time spring comes we'll be well!

mantis said...

That has be quite a drag. Bring on spring. Tis summer in this neck of the woods. I dislike the flu season.

You home school your children? Was always curious about how that would work.
I'll drop by and read more when I get a chance.
Hope everyone is on the mend.