Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Good Point

Don't you love it when you find that someone has put your feelings on a matter (a pet peeve to be more specific) into perfect words and saves you the trouble of fumbling around trying to make some feeble attempt at expressing yourself? Well that's how I feel about this post at the Common Room: Imaginary Numbers, Real Children .
A couple of quotes to give you a taste:
"Do you think parents should have the right not to education their children? If you're a homeschooler you have heard that question or some variation on it from somebody advocating greater restrictions on homeschoolers. Often it will be accompanied with a sort of backhanded compliment something like this, "I know you'll educate your children, but what about the parents who won't?"
"Those who are truly concerned about uneducated children should focus their attention on the institutions producing the largest number of illiterate children- public schools."
There's lots more in between these two quotes. Go read the rest.

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